Land Development |
Financial Assistance for Land Reclamation, Soil Conservation Measures and on Farm Development Works Like Land Leveling, Terracing, Contouring, Bunding, Fencing etc. |
Minor Irrigation |
Term Loans are Extended for Construction of Wells, For Deepening/Renovating the Existing Wells and for Boring in the Existing Dug Wells to Augment Water Supply. |
Farm Mechanization |
Financing for Purchase of Machinery/Implements Like Tractors, Power Tillers, Seed Drill, Seed-Cum-Fertilizer Drill, Planters, Power Sprayers, Seed Cleaners, Weed Removers, Power Threshers, Chaff Cutters, Cane Crushers, Harvester Combines etc. |
Plantation/Horticulture Crops |
Term Loans for Cultivation of Coconut, Coffee, Tea and Rubber Plantations, Floriculture, Vegetable and Fruit Cultivation etc. |
Loan for Allied Activities |
Credit Facilities Extended for Activities Related to Dairy, Poultry, Fisheries, Duckery, Rearing of Goat and Sheep, Pig, Rabbit, etc. |
For Other Details, Please Contact Your Nearest IOB Branch.