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Personal Banking

Last Updated on: 17/03/2023


Purpose To finance for the purchase of Household goods etc.
Eligibility Any Individual whose regular income is more than Rs. 75000/- with 2 years of service in the same organization. The age of the individual should be between 25-60 at the time of maturity of the loan.
Quantum of Loan 90% of the cost of article subject to maximum of Rs. 25.00 lacs.
Margin 10% on cost of the article.
Rate of Interest Retail Credit Interest Rates -  (Click here)
Repayment Maximum Repayment is 12-72 EMIs
No Pre payment charges.
Security Loan upto Rs. 15.00 lacs: Hypothecation of purchase of articles purchased out of loan.
Loans above Rs. 15.00 lacs: Third party guarantee / Collateral Security along with Hypothecation of article which is purchased out of loan.
Processing Charges For up to Date Processing Charges, You are requested to kindly visit your nearest IOB Branch.