Last Updated on: 26/06/2023
Indian Overseas Bank’s Debit Card is issued on the following terms & conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the Card. These terms and conditions apply to all transactions involving use of the Card. The Cardholder is deemed to haveaccepted unconditionally all the terms and conditions listed hereunder and will be bound by them once the Card is used. Definitions:
Terms & Conditions:
b) The Cardholder shall take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the Card. The Cardholder must sign the Cardimmediately upon receipt. The Bank shall not assume any liability whatsoever for any claim or damages arising from Cardholder’s failure to sign the Card or from signature deviating from the specimen signature appearing on the Application form for issuance of the Card.c) The Cardholder shall not inform / disclose to any person the PIN given by the Bank for access to ATM or PoS and PIN used by him / her for transacting through ATM or PoS at any time and under any circumstances voluntarily or otherwise.d) PIN is for personal use, strictly confidential and not transferable. The Cardholder shall not keep any written record of his / her PIN in any place or manner, which may enable a third party to use the Card. There is provision to change the PIN in any ATM of IOB and Cardholder must change the default PIN provided by the Bank immediately on receipt of Card. PIN shall not be used for any purpose other than for transactions designated by the Bank for use through ATMs / PoS / E-Commerce.e) The cardholder shall keep the CVV confidential and must always have the card within his sight even when payments are made in hotels, restaurants, petrol stations or any other merchant outlets. The cardholder shall be responsible for any transactions that may arise consequent to skimming of his card information. The cardholder shall be responsible if the CVV provided for Internet transactions that are not done through a secured e-commerce payment gateway.f) The Bank shall not be liable whatsoever for any loss / damage arising out of issue of the Card and related PIN and CVV to the cardholder.g) The Cardholder will be solely responsible for all transactions effected by the use of his Card whether authorized by the Cardholder or not and shall indemnify the Bank for all loss or damage caused by any unauthorized use of Card or related PIN of the Cardholder, including any penal action arising there from on account of any violation of RBI guidelines or rules framed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 or any other country / state / continent / territory wherever located in the world at the time notwithstanding the termination of this agreement.h) All transactions arising from use of the Card to operate a designated joint account shall be binding on all the account holders jointly and severally.
Merchant Establishment Usage:
Usage at ATM/Cash Dispensers (CD):
International Usage:Only certain types of cards are eligible for International usage. All other cards are restricted for Domestic usage only. For international usage,